Rental Labels for Snowboards – Customer Spotlight

Rental Labels for the Cold

Click to Contact an actual person about laboratory labelsThere are two types of people when the temperature starts to drop during the winter season. The first, are those who prefer to watch the wintry weather in front of a roaring fire accompanied by a mug of hot chocolate. The second, are the adventurous who choose to brave the blizzard conditions to spend some time skiing or snowboarding down a mountain. While some of us here at EIM fall into the first category, content watching winter go by from the comfort of our living rooms, we’re still happy to label the rental gear used by those who fall into the latter. Snowboarder doing a jump with snow covered mountains in the background - rental labels

The snowboard rental shop we work with is in fact one of the oldest in in its state. They operate a traditional shop, selling apparel/offering maintenance in addition to renting gear. The company approached us a few years ago looking for a solution that would help them track their rental inventory. The material needed to stick onto boots, boards, and bindings, which were either leather or fiberglass materials. They needed a solution that would stand up to harsh conditions, and stay put as renters shredded dawn to dusk on the mountainside. Fortunately, us Northerners aren’t afraid of a little snow, and our labels aren’t either.

The Account Manager working with them, Ed August, knew almost immediately that our EnduraLabels would be right for the job. For similar requests such as the work we’ve done with this ski club, this line of tough labels has always been the go to. The EnduraLabel line was specially engineering to provide labels that can withstand wet/dirty environments. EIM’S Product Development Manager, Juan Munoz, also provided some insight on why EnduraLabel was right for the job. “The base adhesive is ideal for coatings that are on skis and snowboards. The laminate gives the polyester an extra layer of protection.

As the winter season begins to draw to a close, we know winter athletes are trying to make the most of their limited time on the slopes. If you find yourself in that group, we encourage you to take a good look around next time you’re on the mountain. First to appreciate the scenery while it’s still blanketed in snow, but also to keep an eye out for our rental labels.