Unfortunately, a springtime increase in import prices on consumer goods like automobiles overshadowed a temporary drop in fuel costs. Some of this increase understandably developed as a result of the unfortunate circumstances in Japan that created supply disruptions and led to a dramatic drop in auto imports during April & May 2011. On the positive side of things, the US was able to reduce our trade deficit by selling and exporting more computers, telecommunications, and heavy equipment during the same period. It is unfortunate for the US, however, that the predictions are for this narrowing to be reversed over the coming months as Japan gets back to regular production and resumes shipping cars (in need of vehicle labels!) to the States.

We’re sure one of our customers is keeping a close eye on these importing trends as they prepare to process thousands of new vehicles landing here each year. For them, importing is vital. Their company has shaped an important niche in the storage industry with a sizable location big enough to receive and store boatloads of vehicles destined for all parts of the country.
To keep track of their large, but temporary inventory, they use our removable plastic vehicle labels printed for them with serialized barcodes. Developed for durability, strength, and superior printing, this label material is suitable for outdoor applications for up to 6 months―more than enough time for the company to move its inventory. The fact that it will be cleanly removed from painted metal is also a very important factor.
While we’ll be rooting for good car sales, this seems to be an appropriate example of how our country’s business moves with international commerce. Labels are used everywhere. Sometimes business is good and other times not so good, but the need for labels continues―for one product or another…imports, exports or simply “home-grown.” Reach out to The Label Experts today and ask about all of our durable automobile labels! (Yes, we also have labels for electronics and heavy machinery!)