My name is Alex Fawcett, I’m a senior business management major at Keene State College and the Sales/Business Development Intern here at EIM. When looking for an internship, I was looking for something that would benefit both the company and my future career. After my interview with EIM, I realized they had a similar feel to the family business I grew up around. This gave me a feeling of comfortability because I could relate to it, and it made me want the job even more.
My past internships had always been in person. With my school being remote, I had grown comfortable getting work done behind a screen. The week before I started, I received a laptop and a custom EIM cup in the mail. After my first week, I mentioned I didn’t have a computer chair, and my boss, Sales Manager Jason Wilder, had me come into the office to pick one out that wasn’t being used.
Working as a remote intern was a learning experience for me and my boss. My main worry with being remote was about communication and asking people for help when I ran into something that I wasn’t familiar with. EIM uses Microsoft Teams to communicate with remote staff. Whether shooting a quick message to my manager or jumping on a video call, Teams was easy to navigate and made communicating remotely very easy.
Jason has done a great job of giving me tasks that I’m comfortable doing, but also challenging me in areas I don’t have as much experience in. I’ve become incredibly comfortable using LinkedIn, which is huge in the world of business. Jason got me a book, LinkedIn Unlocked, which helped a ton with learning the ins and outs of the program so I could assist the Sales team with business development.

Aside from Teams and LinkedIn, I have gotten comfortable with customer outreach, learning and working the company’s customer management software, and using Microsoft programs such as Excel and Word. These things have allowed me to sharpen small skills too, such as typing and researching both companies and individuals. I truly feel that the work and experience I am getting now will benefit me when I start my first job out of college.
EIM and Jason specifically have been awesome with flexibility as well. Since I only work three days a week, they have occasionally let me move days around if my school schedule changed or a lacrosse practice got switched to an earlier time. It was never an issue as long as I got my work done another day that week.
For any students considering interning for EIM, do it! They work well with students, give you a lot of freedom and trust, and most importantly, they make sure you are comfortable with the work that you are doing. Interning here has been a great experience and I wish it didn’t have to end in just a couple weeks! Check out our Careers page to learn more about being an intern at EIM.