Collecting for a Community Cause

If you ever find yourself strolling around Electronic Imaging Materials, you might stumble upon a poster of our core values hanging on the wall. The last (but certainly not least) value on the list, expresses our dedication to community involvement. Throughout the year EIM seeks out opportunities to serve our community in the form of fundraising and volunteer work.Click to Contact an actual person about laboratory labels Every year we celebrate our ‘Day of Caring’, during which our employees spend an afternoon completing a service project together. While Investing in our neighbors, and the non-profits that serve them, is a priority year-round, it feels especially important during the holiday season.

“This time of year is just known for giving,” says EIM Sales Manager Jason Wilder, noting that the holiday season tends to bring community involvement to the forefront of people’s minds everywhere—not just at EIM. “From Thanksgiving to Christmas there’s always an uptick in opportunities to give. It’s just naturally that way, because everyone’s thinking about food and gifts and people are more aware because it’s broadcasted everywhere. If you go to a store there’s always a food drive, there’s always trees hanging up for kid’s gifts.”

Label Expert Jason Wilder with donation boxes

Currently in our breakroom, is the donation bin for our local Holiday Bazaar for Kids. The Holiday Bazaar for Kids is hosted by the Keene Housing Kids Collaborative. The bazaars give kids a chance to “shop” for holiday gifts for their parents and siblings. Kids who come from homes with limited resources get to experience the wonderful anticipation of watching a loved one open a gift they have chosen for them. Throughout the course of the month, EIM employees have been bringing in books, toys, candles, craft supplies and more fun gifts. It brings us joy to report, that we’ve overflowed the donation box!

We’d like to take a moment to recognize the Keene Housing Kids Collaborative for organizing this event, and inviting us to contribute to bringing the joy of giving to some special young people in our community. To learn more about the Keene Housing Kids Collaborative, we encourage you to visit their website.