Let’s talk warehouse inventory management: If you’ve received warehouse samples lately, there’s a good chance there was a totem labels option in the selection (If you haven’t gotten your hands on some, request samples!). They’re a crowd pleaser among our warehouse customers for a reason, they make inventory management a breeze.
What are Totem Labels?

Totem labels are commonly used on shelving as part of a warehouse’s inventory management. They display a vertical stack of separate barcodes, with each barcode representing a different level of shelving. This singular label consolidates information in one place so that multiple levels of shelving can be scanned while an operator is at a lower level.
What are the benefits of these Labels?
Totem labels help to streamline warehouse processes by allowing you to locate inventory more efficiently. They eliminate the need for long-range barcode scanning, which can sometimes prove problematic. For quicker identification, each barcode can be paired with a color bar. These match color-coded rack labels (we can hook you up with those too!) located at the corresponding locations. Symbology (such as arrows) can also be added to provide direction.
To learn more about how these can benefit your warehouse, chat with The Label Experts (we’ll be waiting for your call!).