Our Annual Season of Giving Back

Giving back to our community is a practice we’ve woven into EIM’s culture. Both the City of Keene and the surrounding Monadnock Region are home to dozens of well-run charitable organizations. Throughout the years, we’ve developed traditions which allow both employees and the company itself to support worthy causes.

Day of Caring

Our annual volunteering day (dubbed the Day of Caring), is an opportunity for our team to spend some time out of the office helping a local organization. This year’s Day of Caring project came to us. We saw on the local news that the Monadnock Humane Society had recently come to the rescue of over four dozen dogs. With that many animals to care for, we anticipated that they could probably use a hand. After getting in touch with their volunteer coordinator, a group of employees visited their facility to help clear one of their walking paths. Our efforts helped prepare the path for the MHS’s upcoming “Walk for Animals” event.

The Label Experts volunteering at the local humane society

Annual Auction

Click to Contact an actual person about laboratory labelsFor over a decade, EIM has held a fall computer auction. The auction’s a win-win-win opportunity for EIM, employees, and the United Way. EIM can pass along machines that are no longer needed, employees can bid on PC’s, and the proceeds are donated to the United Way. This year, we didn’t stop at computers, we decided to auction off baked goods as well (what can we say, we have a sweet tooth). Everyone was very satisfied with their tasty/technical purchases.

Donation Matching

In addition, the company has implemented a donation matching program. If employees so wish, they can choose to donate a portion of their weekly paycheck to The United Way (can you tell that they’re one of our favorite organizations?). In exchange for their generosity, EIM is matching donations up to $150, and contributing a bonus amount for any employee who logs volunteer hours throughout the year. Aside from our annual events, we’re always on the lookout for additional opportunities where we can help.

Know of an organization that should be on our radar? Interested in seeing what we’re up to? Reach out to us on Facebook.