
Fish Tags – There’s Something Fishy Here…

Fish Tags Help Keep Track When customers give us challenges, we jump―just like fish in a big pond… We love tackling interesting applications such as one that came our way from a software developer working in the fish and meat packaging industry. To provide a full labeling solution for their customer, they needed both labels […]

Laminated Labels – the True Super-Heroes of the Labeling World?

When to use Laminated Labels Labels are often challenged to perform with super-human strength and durability.  We want them to be “permanent” and yet cleanly “removable.” We want them to hold up to constant abuse from moisture, temperature extremes, chemicals, solvents, abrasion, salt spray, acids, and so forth. We want them to fend off the […]

Color-Coding Cryogenic Tubes (VIDEO)

Upgrade your test-tube labeling with cryogenic colored labels. Color-coding cryogenic tubes is proven to increase quick recognition and efficiency, color-coding allows you to sort your test tubes 35% faster. Watch below to learn why!

10 Reasons to Use Barcodes

We’ve decided to do a countdown of all the reasons why you should consider using barcode labels. So without any further ado: You don’t need a Ph.D. in barcoding to operate a barcoding system. (We have barcoding geniuses on our staff, ready and willing to give you terrific instructions.) The data encoded is scalable to […]

Vehicle Labels – Imports and Labels

Unfortunately, a springtime increase in import prices on consumer goods like automobiles overshadowed a temporary drop in fuel costs. Some of this increase understandably developed as a result of the unfortunate circumstances in Japan that created supply disruptions and led to a dramatic drop in auto imports during April & May 2011. On the positive […]

Water Survey Labels – Saving our Resources―One Drop at a Time

It is sometimes sad to realize just how much we take for granted in our everyday lives and that a lot of laboratory work involves extensive time and effort to understand the very world around us. For instance―rainwater…Plus the need for water survey labels. One of our customers at the State Water Survey, a division […]

Customer Spotlight: A Sweet Deal for Candy Lovers

Since Electronic Imaging Materials, Inc. appreciates the efforts of good marketing and promotion, we can’t help but think about one of our customers who has established a strong and ever-growing position in the food and candy packaging industry. Working through distributor and corporate partnerships, they focus on the custom, personalization of tins, jars, wrappers, and […]

Printing Ribbon – Choosing the Right One for Your Lab

So, you’ve graduated to the big leagues ―to the pinnacle of label printing―into the world of thermal transfer printing? Your laboratory labeling challenges have exceeded the capabilities of the lowly laser printer and even the constrictions of direct thermal printing, eh? You need really durable labels—these other technologies will simply not do the job. While […]

Handwriting Labels Cramps

So you’ve got a situation on your hands. You’ve been handwriting labels for years, but now you notice productivity isn’t where it should be. You’re paying employees for more labor hours, but see even less output since there are so many mistakes. Handwriting Labels–Worth It? Statistics show that 1 out of every 300 handwritten characters […]

‘Cause I’m Tree, Tree Free

Have you ever noticed how most great things have their own theme songs? Just take Mighty Mouse, Captain Planet, Batman and Underdog, for example. I’d say they certainly deserve it… wouldn’t you agree? So, why not let some of our exceptional labels share in the glory? Our Archival, Lignin-Free, Wood-Free, and Acid-Free Labels are pretty […]

Piggyback Rides and Piggyback Labels

“Want me to give you a piggyback ride?” That is a fairly common question when it comes to children. But would you ever think that labels ride piggyback? Well they do, and it is almost as common as a child getting a piggyback ride. Piggyback labels ride on the back of other labels and move […]

Long-Range Labels – Barcodes Readable from Long Range

Long-Range Labels, a Story It was another dark, routine morning, driving to work in the fog that seemed to have won the fight against the sun—just like it had been for the past week or so. Squinting hurts your eyes as headlights reflect off the street signs. Signaling the cars behind you as you pull […]