Flexible Packaging Labels – Customer Spotlight

Flexible Packaging Labels for Organics

Coconut tree filled with coconuts

Organic products are booming now that more people want to be environmentally friendly. One of our clients offers organic hygiene products made with coconut oil. For those unaware, coconut oil is the unsung hero of the oil family. Not only can it do wonders at rejuvenating dry, wrinkled skin, but it also does wonders for the body’s system as a whole. Coconut oil retains all of its anti-oxidants, which help fight signs of aging, cancer and other disease caused by free radicals. Who would have thought something as simple as a coconut could do so much? And what does this have to do with flexible packaging labels?

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To provide a high-quality image for their moisturizing cream, oil and soap products, we were able to help this customer choose a label material that is perfect for flexible packaging labels. It had a gloss surface that offers attractive retail appeal, while its aggressive, high-performance adhesive is great for both semi-squeeze and rigid containers. We add fine resolution, full-color graphics and product information with extra UV protection to enhance the labeling of their fine organic skin care products.