Fish Tags Help Keep Track

When customers give us challenges, we jump―just like fish in a big pond… We love tackling interesting applications such as one that came our way from a software developer working in the fish and meat packaging industry. To provide a full labeling solution for their customer, they needed both labels and tags that could handle cold storage conditions in a wet environment. To address tagging fish, they too jumped―at our 429 White and 428 Yellow Plastic Fish Tags. Not only are these tags safe, but they are durable too. While more commonly used in the lumber and nursery industries because they are economical, they also provide the flexibility and strength to handle conveyors and stacking.
For their corrugated box labels, they chose one of our matte papers that has a smudge-resistant finish perfect for high-speed thermal transfer printing. The adhesive handles a wide range of temperatures including cold, damp environments even when applied to corrugated boxes.
Another fish-loving, innovative customer brings their high-quality seafood products directly to the US market from their processing plants. Specializing in haddock as well as Atlantic and Pacific cod, they chose our 668 Freez-R-Mark™ Plastic material for their preprinted UPC labels. This product comes with an aggressive adhesive that works very well on flexible packaging and corrugated―even when applied at freezer temperatures or when subjected to blast freezing.

We’re not going to slip in any corny joke about fishing here, but we do hope this piece gives you some ideas about how we have solved a couple of demanding applications. You may not be processing fish, but the products highlighted here might very well fit other wet and cold temperature conditions. Feel free to contact our Label Experts for samples.
In closing, a thought for the day…
“May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it.” ~Irish Blessing