Since Electronic Imaging Materials, Inc. appreciates the efforts of good marketing and promotion, we can’t help but think about one of our customers who has established a strong and ever-growing position in the food and candy packaging industry. Working through distributor and corporate partnerships, they focus on the custom, personalization of tins, jars, wrappers, and other containers for their high-quality candy, baked goods, sauces, and spices.
Moreover, they can customize the CONTENTS within their containers! From specially shaped pretzels to unusual “gummy-bear-type” candies, they take on all sorts of interesting challenges.
They use novel, creative concepts to provide their customers with tasty gifts, buying incentives, and product promotions. They can satisfy everyday needs from a comprehensive catalog of standard items but love the custom projects.
So where does EIM fit this customer’s needs? Well, we supply them labels in what seems like hundreds of different label sizes and shapes including unique ones like trucks, houses, and light bulbs. Using industrial-sized laser printers, they offer 4-color process graphic capabilities for both long and short-run requirements. They even have ways to do direct product marking on cookies, mints, and other packaging materials.
Take a look around at the holidays when those office gifts of candy, popcorn, or nuts start showing up. Or perhaps you are going to a trade show and are looking for some jelly beans? This company has been around for over twenty years, developing quite a reputation in the personalization industry, so there’s a good chance they may have tailored the message on your gifts or tchotchkes!