“If there’s a challenging label tech support problem,” Joey says, “I always feel good about fixing it.”
Joey Cocivera’s IT responsibilities vary from day to day. Some mornings he’s tackling barcode design with customers on the other side of the country, others coaching new printer owners through the set up process so they can print their own labels. And he’s always on hand to help his fellow EIM employees when they hit a technical snag—has Joey brought a laptop back from the dead before? The answer is yes.
The one thing that doesn’t change about Joey’s job is his primary focus: helping people with their problems. “Joey is approachable and will work on problems from multiple angles,” praises coworker Hester Heath. “If he can’t answer a question immediately he’ll research the problem and get back to you quickly with ideas on how to fix the issue.”
Joey’s favorite element of his job is coming up with solutions for tricky IT problems—sometimes that means creating and implementing new group policies to update company computers. To make a group policy, Joey will research and create a script (i.e. code) and then push it out to all of our computers at one time—this allows him to install computer updates and new software efficiently. It’s an enormous time saver for our IT department. “At other IT jobs, they wouldn’t let someone with my experience level anywhere near group policies,” Joey says. “You can do a lot of damage if you do something wrong. But because we’re a smaller company, I’m getting to learn and do things I normally wouldn’t at this point in my career.”
A Connecticut native, Joey originally moved to New Hampshire for college—and liked it so much he decided to make the move permanent! As a matter of fact, Joey has not just one, but two jobs with local companies—during warmer seasons you’ll find Joey manning The Farm Concessions vegetarian/vegan food truck with his girlfriend and her parents (the owners). “Even people who aren’t vegetarians—like me—love the food,” Joey says. “That’s the biggest hurdle to getting people to eat vegetarian—they have to get over the fact that it’s vegetarian and try it. Then they’re like, oh, this is actually good without meat!”
Stop by The Farm Concessions sometime and meet Joey in person! Joey personally recommends trying the Ragin’ Cajun. “It’s a veggie burger with black beans, quinoa, spices and creamy dill sauce on a baguette, with mushrooms and swiss cheese,” Joey says. “It’s amazing how good it is.”