Customer Spotlight: Helping to Remove Hunger: Even Labels Aid the Efforts

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“Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect – Remain close to the Great Spirit – Show great respect for your fellow beings – Work together for the benefit of all Mankind – Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.

Do what you know to be right – Look after the well-being of mind and body – Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good – Be truthful and honest at all times – Take full responsibility for your actions”

-excerpt from Native Commandments by Jasper Saunkeah, Cherokee  Child inside of a food pantry

Truly heart-warming work is being done every day by incredible people with love in their hearts and a desire to help others. One of our customers happens to be The Native American Heritage Association (NAHA) and they are an inspiring example of the aforementioned prayer.

NAHA works with Feeding America to provide meats, canned and fresh veggies, fruits, bread, etc. to Native American families currently suffering from food insecurities and hunger on a daily basis. More often than not, Americans don’t think of “hunger” or “food insecurity” as an issue in the US; it’s typically envisioned in far-away places.

However, two of the poorest counties in the US are on the Crow Creek and Pine Ridge Reservations. Unemployment is over 80% in this region, and with that comes malnutrition and medical conditions caused by poor diet such as diabetes and heart disease.

Thanks to generous donors, NAHA is fighting to end the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger with education and emergency food supplies, as well as basic life necessities such as clothing, heating assistance and other emergency programs. They are committed to making an impact on the healthcare issues facing Native American families every day.

‘Work together for the benefit of all mankind – Give assistance and kindness wherever needed – Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good’. By regularly hosting fundraising events, NAHA is able to collect the necessary means to provide services for their community and the families in need.

Electronic Imaging Materials, Inc. got to know this interesting organization when they came to us for removable labels that they could print themselves on their own laser printer. They needed to identify theater seating for their fund-raising events. The labels had to adhere to both fabric and wood and yet be easily removed without leaving any sticky residue or damaging the seats. The Solution: EIM Removable Paper Labels