Your barcode labels are important, and choosing the right label material isn’t something to take lightly. But what are your options? Learn more.
Here is another use for that #2 pencil… by just using a pencil you can test to see if your barcodes are accurate enough to be scanned properly! First off, what is a Quiet Zone? This is a blank area or margin on either end of a lineal barcode (such as Code 39 and Code […]
Every year, The Label Experts cap off their annual community involvement week with a volunteer Day of Caring, taking a break from making labels and going out into our community to help a local non-profit. This year, our volunteer day had us back at a familiar site, the Winchester Learning Center! Check out Product Manager […]
The Label Experts are extremely honored to announce our selection as one of this year’s winners of the 2016 TLMI Eugene Singer Award for Best Managed Converter! This award comes at the conclusion of an unforgettable year that included many exciting new customers, fresh faces in the office, record sales, and even babies at work. It’s also just […]
“I think the fact that we don’t have an automated phone system, and anyone that calls is getting a human on the other side is a big reason our customers keep coming back to us,” says Product Manager Juan Munoz. “We pride ourselves on our fast response to not only sales inquiries, but to quality issues […]
If you walked into your favorite bakery, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a baker partaking in a fresh baked chocolate-chip cookie. While the products we produce aren’t edible and don’t involve chocolate (much to our dismay), from time to time we also do enjoy the fruits of our own labor. We’re talking about finding […]
“Getting a customer on the phone is really important, taking the time to have a conversation with them and understand exactly what they need is my top priority.” – Label Account Manager Marissa Marissa Salisbury’s knack for problem solving and attention to detail make her the ideal person to help guide customers through the complex […]
This post is written by our Sales & Marketing Manager, Jason Wilder It is hard to believe that I have been here at EIM for 23 out of the 30 years that we’ve been in business, which makes me the elder statesman of our great team. Our roots began when our original owners, Paul and […]
Whether it’s a self-imposed quarantine or your new workplace normal, a lot of us are working from home… a lot longer than we thought we would be! At EIM, our business continuity plan involves much of our staff working offsite, and remaining staff working in split early morning and evening shifts to provide better physical […]
Allow us to introduce you to our Production Crew. These Label Experts have a tendency to stay behind the scenes here at EIM, but without their digital printing know-how and mad label making skills, we wouldn’t be The Label Experts you know and love. To top that off, they’ve been coping with some unique workflow […]
It’s that time again, you hit the snooze button one last time, rush through getting ready for the day and then commute—to your den office. As we head into fall, some of The Label Experts are still working remotely. We asked them to update us in their own words about how working from home has […]
“We don’t only care about quality when mistakes are made. We work to continually evaluate our processes so we can improve our labels. We take quality seriously all the time.” – Quality Coordinator Cecilia Robinson Our initial obsession with quality started with EIM’s founder, Paul Henkel. Paul wanted to make his new business stand out […]