
Stickers …Labels…Tags…What’s the Difference?

Many people use the terms labels, tags, and stickers to mean the same thing. This isn’t usually a problem, but it’s a common misnomer that’s ages old. We always help to clarify what our customers mean and ensure they’re getting the right product. In the hopes of doing away with some of the confusion (and […]

Food Laboratory Boosts Efficiency with Label Design Software – Customer Spotlight

Companies and food laboratory scientists involved with the handling and packaging of food products have to be extremely careful of safety practices. Manufacturers are mandated to follow strict packaging and labeling guidelines set by federal legislation. These labels carry all sorts of information through the supply chain, such as handling instructions, inspection legend, net weight, […]

“Service Life” & “Shelf Life” for Labels are the Same Thing, Right?

Wrong! When trying to determine how long a label will last, service life and shelf life are commonly mistaken to mean the same thing. The service life of a label material is the minimum length of time that a label will reliably stay fixed on a surface. This rating takes the material’s intended usage and […]

Adhesive Ooze – Watch Out for That Summertime OOZE!

Hot and humid summer weather is upon us, causing your labels to be at risk of adhesive ooze buildup. We thought it would be good timing to educate on what you can do to control that summertime OOZE!!! Here’s how it works. As temperature and humidity increase, the adhesives in pressure-sensitive labels can start to […]

Congress Replaces Genetically Modified Label Laws

July 1, 2016 was the key deadline to comply with Vermont’s labeling law that required that foods sold in retail stores to bear mandatory labels if they contain genetically modified organism (GMO) ingredients. The state law also prohibited manufacturers from packaging foods as “natural” or “all natural” when they in fact contain GMO ingredients. Two […]

Garden Labels – Sprouting up Solutions

As we look forward to warmer days here at Electronic Imaging Materials, we revel in the joy of helping nurseries and greenhouses prepare for their upcoming growing season. While we’re happy to supply hanging tags for plants and trees, The Label Experts are also equipped to solve more complex horticultural labeling challenges. We’ve worked with […]

Laboratory Barcodes – How Will They Work?

Your inventory data is sacred; it should never be adjusted or compromised in order to fit in a barcode. Nonetheless, variables like surface area and number of characters in your data can influence the way they’re applied to your samples and equipment. That’s why we ask questions first before preparing your order; ensuring barcodes are the […]

Babies at Work – The Littlest Label Expert

What do babies have to do with labels? Babies at work? Full disclosure, I am writing this at my desk, while I have one foot sticking out trying to rock a baby to sleep in a vibrating baby rocker. She doesn’t want to sleep, she wants to play, so we need to find another activity, […]

Another Year in the Books: EIM Wins “Best Managed” Award

The Label Experts are extremely honored to announce our selection as one of this year’s winners of the 2016 TLMI Eugene Singer Award for Best Managed Converter! This award comes at the conclusion of an unforgettable year that included many exciting new customers, fresh faces in the office, record sales, and even babies at work. It’s also just […]

Wheel Labels Handle the Heat in Talladega – Customer Spotlight

Comin’ in Hot! The Label Experts Wheel Labels Handle the Heat in Talladega We stopped in our tracks when a very recognizable German luxury car manufacturer approached us about a unique label challenge. They required wheel labels – barcode labels that will stick to the interior of aluminum wheels while they undergo testing. That doesn’t […]

Meet the Label Experts – Juan

“I think the fact that we don’t have an automated phone system, and anyone that calls is getting a human on the other side is a big reason our customers keep coming back to us,” says Product Manager Juan Munoz. “We pride ourselves on our fast response to not only sales inquiries, but to quality issues […]