
Color Coding Labels – Pick a Hue That Suits You

Color Coding labels for easy Identification The visual search task is a common chore that humans engage in every day. Humans initially employed visual search to ensure survival. Our color vision has evolved in order to facilitate visual search. That is why color coding programs have been used so often in applications that involve visual […]

Proper Care of Your Printhead

With appropriate care and routine maintenance, the life of your printhead (for direct thermal or thermal transfer printers) can be greatly extended. It’s important to think of printheads as replaceable consumables, just like labels and printing ribbons. However, a printhead is actually the most important part of your printer. It is also the most delicate […]

Bunk Tags—Debunking the Bunk

“What The Bunk?” We recently received a phone call with a unique request. The label seeker declared a need for “bunk tags” to track their inventory. Admittedly, we were a little perplexed by the phrase, but here at EIM, we love a new challenge! As it turned out, they worked for a leading casket manufacturer. […]

Total Traceability Labels – Now Where Did We Put That?

Total traceability. The ability to trace something back from the purchaser to the very materials it was made from, machines it was made with and tools used on those machines. Total traceability is already enacted in some businesses, and it is turning up the heat on accountability. To facilitate this, total traceability labels are required. […]

Forensics Labels & Freezer Labels – Customer Spotlight

Forensics Labels Help Solve the Crime! C’mon now – you want to make it right – don’t you? Leaving mysterious crimes unsolved isn’t in your nature; it’s not something you’re capable of. The wicked don’t rest and you won’t either until you get to the bottom of their twisted ways. It’s almost as if you […]

Labels for Plastic – Labeling Surface Issues

We recently blogged about Understanding the Differences in Plastics. When it comes to matching the labels for plastic surfaces, there is a lot to take into consideration. First, determine the type of plastic (such as the SPI chart suggests). Then you have to look at other plastic issues: what is the surface energy, how smooth […]

Warehouse Location Labels for Frozen Vegetarian Meals – Customer Spotlight

Family Owned and Naturally Grown in Need of Warehouse Location Labels Beginning in the 1980s there were very few options for vegetarians on the go. Frozen food companies were not directing their attention towards this type of customer and people were just beginning to notice the lack of selection every time they visited the grocery […]

Barcode Rap – Slappalabelonnit!

Who Said Barcodes are Boring?? May we present, a barcode rap Barcodes have been around for more than 60 years, and have had widespread use for almost 40. But despite their longstanding history, some people think barcodes have become rather stale, reserved for nerds sitting behind their computers holding calculators. Sure, maybe barcodes have been […]

Lab Sterilization Labels – What They Have to Handle

Lab sterilization labels go through a lot! Laboratories use sterilization to remove microbial contamination such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. These infective agents can be found not only on the surface of lab tables, specimen containers and equipment, but also within fluids, medications and, of course, lab cultures. Clean, sterile environments are crucial in both […]

2D Barcode Labels – Out with Retro, In with 2D

One of our customers is a perfect example of adjusting to change and they are using new technology to help them continue their growth well into the future. They needed a way to keep track of everything coming and going in their dockside warehouses. With millions of dollars of goods, they wanted a way to […]

Ski Labels – Valet Parking: Customer Spotlight

Ski Labels – Valet Parking for Your Car, Sure! But For Your Skis??? Imagine you are driving up to the formidable Pepi’s Face slope—at one of the foremost ski resorts in America, if not the world—and you are looking forward to a great ski vacation. You get out of your car and a person approaches […]

Tracking Labels Help a Cycling Component Manufacturer—Customer Spotlight

Strong, stable, streamlined and speedy—ever since the wheel was invented, people have been trying to improve it! Extreme wheel performance is of paramount importance to cycling manufacturers. Competitive cycling demands fast wheels and lighter weight that can perform in harsh conditions. For one of our customers who is a cycling component manufacturer, they needed tracking […]