Tag: The Label Experts

Work from Home Diaries, Vol. 2

The Label Experts continue to share their personal working from home challenges and victories. Enjoy! Keene State College 2020 Grad Jumps into WFH Digital Prepress Technician BRIANA LEIGHTON My new normal is working part time onsite and then working remotely for a few hours every day. Before this I used to come into work in […]

Meet The Label Experts—Jillian Bishop

“My favorite part of my job is the people. I like working with people, and especially this past year, I miss being in the office with my coworkers.” Marketing and Engagement Manager Jillian Bishop is here for the people—specifically, EIM’s people! Whether onsite or working remotely, employee engagement is a huge part of Jillian’s job. […]

The Label Experts’ Community Involvement Week

This fall, The Label Experts had our Annual Community Involvement Week! Every year, employees at EIM get together to pool our resources and time to give back to our local community. This year, we kicked off our week of giving with a pledge drive for the Monadnock United Way—and we beat our previous year’s record for giving! We […]

The Label Experts Partnered with Toys for Tots

Giving back to and being involved in our community is near and dear to our heart at EIM. Some of our Label Experts have even formed a philanthropy team, that serves as a liaison between EIM and local charities when volunteer opportunities come up. But when COVID-19 hit in 2020, some of our typical volunteering […]

Meet The Label Experts—Rob Farnsworth

Production Manager and Label Expert Rob’s favorite part of his job is coming up with solutions for tricky problems. “I really like solving problems—whatever it is, in any department. How can we get through this? How do we figure this out? Whether it’s in workflow, equipment, label orders—in any part of the job.” A typical […]

EIM Receives Award from Keene State College Alumni Association

We are honored to accept the Outstanding Service Award from the Keene State College Alumni Association for our work with Keene State interns, students, and faculty! The Outstanding Service Award, presented annually since 1986, is given to an individual or organization that provides outstanding service to Keene State College through leadership, commitment, and influence in […]

A Toy Company Gets Exactly What They Want This Holiday Season: Labels

We don’t get the opportunity to work with toy companies very often, so we were excited when a New England based toy manufacturer with a well-earned reputation for high quality stuffed animals and plush toys reached out for help with a labeling challenge. They needed a box label for cardboard boxes containing free samples of […]

Case Study: Packaging Labels for Bread

Label This Local Business A Success For second generation baker Brittany Migneault, reaching her first year anniversary in business has been about more than just perfecting traditional Italian recipes. It’s also been about building local connections that help The Bread Shed deliver fresh, attractively packaged loaves to stores and restaurants across the Monadnock Region. Brittany turned to […]