Chemical Resistant Slide Labels
Your slide labels need to hold up to a wide variety of harsh solvents and chemicals like alcohol, xylene and DMSO. Not only that, but you the need barcodes on them to remain clear and readable in order to be properly scanned. Our XyResist® CytoLabels are more than up to the task! Select solutions ready to ship!

Product Highlights: Tough conditions call for tough slide labels

Specifically engineered to withstand alcohol, stains and xylene

Will adhere to all types of slides

Barcoded or Data Matrix

Pre-printed or blanks available

Custom sizing & label sets
You choose the information and design for your labels
Unique label sets available in many designs and sizes!
The nature of the work done in your lab determines the design and size of the labels you need. You may prefer to work with XyResist® labels that are in sets of 2, 3, 4 or more slide labels. Or you might prefer multiple copies of the same slide label. The size of the label is up to you.
1) Text-only labels can be white or clear and printed in any combination of colors.
2) Barcodes should be printed on a solid material with black print, but we can add color to your label in other areas.
3) Patient-specific information can be added to this label. You simply fold a clear layer of laminate over the hand-written section to protect it.
4) Multi-part label sets and sequential numbering are available to help you manage your tests. We can print any barcode you need.
Review our label product specifications and make sure these ultra-durable labels meet your requirements. Still not sure if these labels are right for your application? We’ll send you free sample labels to test >
Label Materials
626 XyResist® White Polyester
This CytoLabel offers excellent print quality, as well as resistance to xylene, stain and xylene substitutes. Stock is matte white in color and waterproof, with a solvent and temperature resistant adhesive. Thermal transfer printable.
We’re Ready To Help!
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