Paraffin Block & Cassette Labels
Specifically engineered to stick to paraffin blocks in histology labs & others, Electronic Imaging Materials provides labels either blank or preprinted, made custom to your order when you are in need of paraffin block labels.
Specimen testing presents a real challenge for most laboratories with special embedding waxes, plastic cassette constructions & tough chemical exposures. Our EnduraLabels are an ideal solution for tough to label paraffin blocks.

Product Highlights

Rated for service up to 300°F

Ultra-clear print legibility with our thermal transfer printing

Blanks available

Can handle exposure to hot-wax embedded cassettes before and after labeling

Strong adhesive works on low-surface-energy plastics, rough textures, & chemically or oil exposed surfaces
* For best results, histology blocks should be labeled before embedding a tissue sample in paraffin to maintain complete specimen tracking from application to microtoming.
Review our label product specifications and make sure these ultra-durable labels meet your requirements. Still not sure if these labels are right for your application? We’ll send you free label samples to test >
Material | Product Description | Spec Sheet |
650 White EnduraLabel | Specifically designed with a superior adhesive to aggressively bond to rough, high textured substrates, oily and greasy surfaces as well as low-surface energy (LSE) plastics. Especially good for wax-coated paraffin block labels used in laboratories. | Product sheet title |
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